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Kids Nutrition

Try an sliced organic apple with nut butter and almonds as a after school snack.

Check out these easy to make Healthy Lunch Options

To register for event e-mail or call 516-365-1222 .

By Maria Dello

This month’s focus: Children It is not easy keeping ourselves and our families in optimal health, particularly when a family member has as special needs like a dietary restriction, or a health impairment. These types of needs can add stress to family concerns and turn simplicity into complexity on a daily basis. Maintaining our health should be a natural way of living, to provide the health of our families with quality of living. Small steps done on a daily basis can go such a long way. I know mom’s can all feel overwhelmed at times, we take on so much and at the end of the day there is not much left to dedicate towards our well being. The key is “good planning” and “small steps.” Each day try to incorporate a NEW healthy habit, by ends week these healthy habits become a “life style.” The information is provided to be resourceful for all parents and to create a positive healthy impact. REMEMBER: “The way you feel tomorrow depends on what you do today.” Healthy treats for school lunches – I recently read the label for Lunchables in the grocery store and thought to myself that this may be a form of child abuse. There are so many artificial ingredients that I would classify it as a non-food. Try making a mock version of your own “lunchable” with healthy ingredients. Ask for natural cold cuts which contain no hormones or pesticides and ask them to slice them into ½ inch think slices. Use a cookie-cutter, with a variety of shapes, to cut out the pieces. Use the same technique with natural cheeses. Add a cherry tomato and, “voila,” you’ve created a much healthier version. Also, a high grade quality protein bar is a good choice for a quick and easy snack. Fluoride, friend or foe? – The FDA forces toothpaste manufactures to print the following warning label on every tube of toothpaste that includes fluoride: “If more than used for brushing is accidentally swallowed, get medical help or contact a poison-control center right away.” I have this unsettling feeling using something that may poison me, when using toothpaste, try a natural toothpaste like “Natural tea tree toothpaste” made by Desert Essence. Sugar and hyperactivity –Undoubtedly, sugar is the main culprit for hyperactivity and lowered immunity. It plays havoc on your pancreas and gives you highs and lows in your sugar levels. It is even worse in special needs children and can exacerbate behavioral issues. Try protein snacks (whey protein shake with berries) or (egg omelet wrap.) For a cookie treat “Aunt Gussies” makes a wheat free and gluten free cookie. Quinoa- This wheat alternative is a fine source of protein and calcium. It can be used as a substitute for wheat which can aggravate allergies and mood. Quinoa can be topped with your favorite sauce, sautéed or eaten cold. Check out www. and click on “recipes” for delicious ideas. In Good Health Maria Dello Ms. Maria Dello is a nutritionist and is located at 75 Plandome Road in Manhasset. is dedicated to her passionate goal of teaching, guiding, and educating every individual who walks in her door or visits her website about the benefits of a salubrious lifestyle and diet. Maria’s proven combination of the most curative, nutritional advice and the latest state-of-the-art technologies coupled with the one-on-one support and daily guidance in her Manhasset office, makes her one of the gems of Manhasset’s North Shore. Testimonials by many of her clients reveal that Maria targets and helps men, women, and children with weight loss tactics, longevity through simple diet changes, and heart-healthy alternatives for healthier living. Many North Shore doctors have recommended Maria to their patients with successful results. Maria manages to fit sophisticated speaking engagements at local fundraisers and clubs into her monthly agenda. Finally, Maria writes an informative weekly nutritional column comprised of the latest research on health and nutrition for many local Long Island newspaper. Maria’s winning methods convey simple changes in a complex, fast-paced world that any person can easily adapt to in his/her busy life. Maria Dello will transform you into the best version of yourself. Visit: for more information

sponsored by Junior League of Long Island

Junior League of Long Island Tackles Childhood Obesity With Kids in the Kitchen Long Island Students and Families Learn Healthy Lifestyle Habits at Westbury Event Roslyn, N.Y. – March 15, 2010, The Junior League of Long Island (, a nonprofit organization of women volunteers, joined the battle to end childhood obesity on Long Island with Kids in the Kitchen, an educational and fitness-themed event, on Saturday, March 13, 2010. One hundred students at Powells Lane Elementary School in Westbury and their families were given tools and tips to learn how to live a healthy, affordable, active lifestyle. The Junior League’s Kids in the Kitchen event addressed the urgent issues surrounding childhood obesity on Long Island through interactive, hands-on activities and demonstrations from local nutrition and fitness experts. Incorporating an Olympic theme with opening and closing ceremonies, the kindergarten through sixth grade students of Powells Lane Elementary School enjoyed entertaining instructional sessions by Lucie B’s Jump N’ Fun, Breakthroughs to Fitness,, Dr. Michelle from Kids Smiles Dentistry Group, Nutritionist Maria Dello, C.N., and Lizzy Rockwell, author of Good Enough to Eat. “The Junior League has always been about improving the lives of children and our Kids in the Kitchen initiative empowers Long Island children to adopt healthy habits. Educating children is the key to reducing the obesity trend in our nation and its associated health issues such as diabetes and heart disease,” said Deidra Maleno, President of The Junior League of Long Island. “Our wonderful provisional class of new Junior League volunteers worked incredibly hard to make this event such a phenomenal success. Kids in the Kitchen would also not have been possible without the generous donations of time, talents and products from our many local sponsors.” The Junior League’s Kids in the Kitchen initiative is supported by The Association of Junior Leagues International Inc. and over 200 Junior Leagues nationwide. About the Junior League of Long Island: The Junior League of Long Island is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Established in 1951, the Junior League of Long Island has over 300 members in Nassau and Suffolk counties. Headquartered in the Village of Roslyn, the Junior League of Long Island is affiliated with the Association of Junior Leagues International, an organization of 293 Leagues throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico and England. The Junior League of Long Island is designated as a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization.

“Kids n Nutrition” Candy Exchange Drive Was A Great Success, 

Click here for 2009 event


Maria Dello, nutritionist, and Dr. Sawicki, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry are making efforts to start the first “Kids n Nutrition” program which directs families to make healthier choices.

On November 1, Dello Nutritionals, located at 75 Plandome road will accept all Halloween candy from our trick or treaters and moms, in exchange for gifts and toys from Dellonutritionals, Matty’s Toy’s Stop, Manhasset Sporting Good Store, Whole Food Market..

Even Mom will receive a gift, a winner will be chosen for the gra  nd prize.

Maria Dello started this program to help educate people on the importance of Childhood obesity and teaching our families to make healthier choices.

Maria say’s “We need to help our young adults to eat healthier and get on board with being physically fit. Overweight adolescents have a 70% chance of becoming over weight or obese adults. The best way to insure our families health is being Pro-active with our families health, take preventive measures.

Be a part of our “Kids n' Nutrition” program and reward our children with healthier choices.”

You are all invited to be a part by dropping of your Halloween candy @ Dellonutritionals located 75 Plandome Road

November 1, between 11AM and 3PM.


Stress, healthy eating, not weights. Eating disorders in endemic in children and adults. Don’t overstress weight.
Eliminate their intake of sugar free products i.e. aspartame/NutraSweet, saccharin, etc.
Eliminate their intake of hydrogenated/partially hydrogenated fats such as margarine, benachol, Crisco, etc. These fats interfere with brain function and all organic physiological pathways.

Eliminate their intake of soft drinks. The phosphoric acid in soft drinks causes calcium loss in the bone, which inhibits full growth structure. Many children are not reaching their growth potential due to the intake of soft drinks.

Limit their intake of sugar. Do not use sweets as rewards. Sugar and sweets should be used sparingly, 1-2 times per week. Sugar suppresses the immune system and causes tooth decay, leads to attention deficit disorders and calcium loss.

Get children to participate in physical activity that is enjoyable. Exercise should not be a chore, but an activity.
Get children to drink water. The body is approximately 60% water! No soda, no juice, no coffee or tea.

Give children protein choices at every meal. Cereal is the worst way to start a child’s day. It leads to hypoglycemia, which causes a child to “act up inappropriately.”
For snack offer organic peanut/almond/cashew butter on whole grain crackers, whole grain breads, or on cut up vegetables, one to two pieces of fresh fruit (not canned, dried or processed), sliced “real” cheese with apple or grapes. You can also offer one cup of organic, plain, whole milk yogurt with berries or nuts, or a handful of dry roasted nuts i.e. walnuts, almonds, cashews and hazelnuts. Limit peanuts for they are highly allergic to some children.

Do not feed them vegetable oils. No corn, safflower, sunflower, soybean oils.
Supplement children one teaspoon of cod-liver oil in the winter to provide EPA/DHA fats. These are fats crucial for brain function, immunity and overall health.
Do not give children soy products. Soy suppresses the immune function, the thyroid and is an endocrine disrupter – interferes with normal male/female hormone regulations.
Often children who “act up” have grain allergies. Substitute wheat products for wheat-free and gluten-free products.

Supplement children with an allergen free multiple vitamin formula free of corn, wheat, soy, dairy, yeast, artificial sweeteners, colorings, preservatives and any other words that you can’t pronounce.
Do not put children on a fat free diet. Any fat free product is loaded with sugar. Sugar turns into fat. Children cannot and do not thrive on fat free diets, especially toddlers.

Healthy Lunch Recipes

Applegate Chicken Rolls

  • 2 flour tortillas
  • 2 teaspoons mayonnaise
  • 2 slices thinly sliced Applegate chicken
  • 1/2 cup shredded lettuce
  • 2 tablespoons shredded cheese 

Lay out tortillas. Spread with mayonnaise. Layer chicken slice, lettuce, and cheese onto tortilla. Roll up and wrap.

Servings: 2
Calories: 218 * Protein: 14 grams * Carbohydrates: 20 grams * Fat: 9 grams
Exchanges: 1 bread, 1 meat, 1 fat

Lunch on a Stick

  • 4 cubes of cheese
  • 4 chucks of fresh peppers
  • 4 cherry tomatoes
  • 4 melon balls
  • 4 cubes cooked turkey
  • 6 wooden toothpicks 

Thread cheese, peppers, tomatoes, melon balls, and meats onto toothpicks in whatever order you like.

Servings: 2
Calories: 105 * Protein: 9 grams * Carbohydrates: 5 grams * Fat: 6 grams
Exchanges: 1 meat, ½ vegetable, 1 fat



In 2002, data showed that 15% of children and teens are considered overweight, a tripling since 1980. An additional 15% of kids and teens are considered "at risk" for becoming overweight.

"This epidemic increase in childhood overweight is particularly prevalent among African American and Hispanic children, with more than 21% of these groups meeting the classification of overweight. It is estimated that about half of overweight school-agers and 70% of overweight teens will remain obese into adulthood."

"While the CDC and other organizations recommend that children participate in physical activity a minimum of an hour daily, kids are actually engaging in less physical activity, particularly as they approach adolescence."

"More than 75% of children ages 6-11 do not eat the minimum of 3 servings of vegetables or 2 servings of fruit daily."

From Promoting Physical Activity and Exercise among Children by Liane M. Summerfield:

"Over the years, state requirements for daily physical education have eroded, and today no states currently have such a requirement (HEALTHY PEOPLE, 1995)...just 47% of middle/junior high schools and 26% of high schools require at least 3 years of physical education (Pate, Small et all., 1995)."

"...physical activity has been associated with increased academic performance, self-concept, mood, and mental health, the promotion of physical activity and exercise may also improve quality of life."

From How New York Parents are Dealing with Childhood Obesity, New York

"...a survey by the city's Health and Education departments discovered that nearly half of New York's school-age children are either overweight or obese."

From Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

More than a third of young people in grades 9-12 do not regularly engage in vigorous-intensity physical activity. Daily participation in high school physical education classes dropped from 42% in 1991 to 32% in 2001 (CDC, 2002).

15.3%of children ages 6 to 11 were overweight in 1999 and 2000, more than triple the average of 4.2 percent from 1963 to 1970.

More than 50% of American adults do not get enough physical activity to provide health benefits. 25% of adults are not active at all in their leisure time.

Activity decreases with age and is less common among women than men and among those with lower income and less education.

According to a study of national costs attributed to both overweight (BMI 25-29.9) and obesity (BMI greater than 30), medical expenses accounted for 9.1 percent of total U.S. medical expenditures in 1998 and may have reached as high as $78.5 billion ($92.6 billion in 2002 dollars) (Finkelstein, Fiebelkorn, and Wang, 2003). Approximately half of these costs were paid by Medicaid and Medicare.

From US Surgeon General:

300,000 deaths each year in the United States are associated with obesity.

Overweight and obesity are associated with heart disease, certain types of cancer, type 2 diabetes, stroke, arthritis, breathing problems, and psychological disorders, such as depression.

The economic cost of obesity in the United States was about $117 billion in 2000.

In women, overweight and obesity are higher among members of racial and ethnic minority populations than in non-Hispanic white women.

In women, overweight and obesity are higher among members of racial and ethnic minority populations than in non-Hispanic white women.

In men, Mexican Americans have a higher prevalence of overweight and obesity than non-Hispanic whites or non-Hispanic blacks. The prevalence of overweight and obesity

in non-Hispanic white men is greater than in non-Hispanic black men.
69% of non-Hispanic black women are overweight or obese compared to 58% of non-Hispanic black men.

62% of non-Hispanic white men are overweight or obese compared to 47% of non-Hispanic white women. However, when looking at obesity alone
(BMI > 30)*, slightly more non-Hispanic white women are obese compared to non-Hispanic white men (23%; 21%).

For all racial and ethnic groups combined, women of lower socioeconomic status (income < 130 percent of poverty threshold) are approximately 50% more likely to be obese than those of higher socioeconomic status.

Mexican American boys tend to have a higher prevalence of overweight than non-Hispanic black or non-Hispanic white boys.

Non-Hispanic black girls tend to have a higher prevalence of overweight than Mexican American or non-Hispanic white girls.

Non-Hispanic white adolescents from lower income families experience a greater prevalence of overweight than those from higher income families.

For each individual, body weight is the result of a combination of genetic, metabolic, behavioral, environmental, cultural, and socioeconomic influences.

Behavioral and environmental factors are large contributors to overweight and obesity and provide the greatest opportunity for actions and interventions designed for prevention and treatment.

It is recommended that Americans accumulate at least 30 minutes (adults) or 60 minutes (children) of moderate physical activity most days of the week. More may be needed to prevent weight gain, to lose weight, or to maintain weight loss.

Less than 1/3 of adults engage in the recommended amounts of physical activity.

Many people live sedentary lives; in fact, 40% of adults in the United States do not participate in any leisure time physical activity.

Forty-three percent of adolescents watch more than 2 hours of television each day.

A weight gain of 11 to 18 pounds increases a person's risk of developing type 2 diabetes to twice that of individuals who have not gained weight.

Over 80% of people with diabetes are overweight or obese.

Overweight and obesity are associated with an increased risk for some types of cancer including endometrial (cancer of the lining of the uterus), colon, gall bladder, prostate, kidney, and postmenopausal breast cancer.

Risk factors for heart disease, such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure, occur with increased frequency in overweight children and adolescents compared to those with a healthy weight.

Type 2 diabetes, previously considered an adult disease, has increased dramatically in children and adolescents. Overweight and obesity are closely linked to type 2 diabetes.

Overweight adolescents have a 70% chance of becoming overweight or obese adults.

This increases to 80% if one or more parent is overweight or obese. The most immediate consequence of overweight, as perceived by children themselves, is social discrimination.

From US Department of Health and Human Services:

Forty-three percent of students in grades 9-12 watch television more than two hours per day. Physical activity declines dramatically over the course of adolescence, and girls are significantly less likely than boys to participate regularly in vigorous physical activity.

Nearly 50 million adults (between the ages of 20 and 74), or 27% of the adult population, are obese; overall more than 108 million adults, or 61% of the adult population are either obese or overweight.

In a 1993 study, 14% of all deaths in the United States were attributed to activity patterns and diet. Another study linked sedentary lifestyles to 23% of deaths from major chronic diseases. For example, physical activity has been shown to reduce the risk of developing or dying from heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer, and high blood pressure. On average, people who are physically active outlive those who are inactive.

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