Bridgett a Scholar from Providence down 18lbs Just in a few months!
Another weight loss success story at Dellonutritionals - Congrats Cecilia for an over 25 lbs lost!
Congrats Maura Lewis for a successfully completing your Lifestyle30 journey. Great job on your weight loss and getting Healthy

Here's what we're going to address.
- Healthier options at the dining hall
- Not having time to exercise
- Binge drinking and overeating
- Foods to focus
- Skipping meals
- Better brain food
- Better sleep patterns
- Stress eating
- Alternatives to social eating
- Foods to enhance endurance for athletic performance
Maria Dello with the Lauren Baranello and Diane Curd Winners of the Dellonutritionals weight loss Contest
Lauren Turano Baranello From Manhasset Achieves her weight loss goal at Dellonutritionals
Maria has this magic button and because she knows her stuff, presto, it works. She is supportive and believes in you when you may not. Her calming demeanor makes you feel that anything is possible. She has changed my way of thinking and helped me achieve goals I thought were not even possible. I appreciate all she has done for me and especially her friendship along this journey.
Diane Curd From Manhasset Achieves her weight loss goal at Dellonutritionals

Bethanne Ryan DeMatteis From Manhasset Achieves her weight loss goal at Dellonutritionals
Maria is passionate and exceptional at what she does!!! True professional that understands what it takes for each individual to achieve their health and weight loss goals.
Tricia Dessi Takes the "No Sugar Pledge" at Dellonutritionals
Maria Dello is a genius.
Don't be fooled by her seemingly fun and casual conversations. With every word, Maria sifts through her considerable knowledge and expertise as a Nutritionist to produce a custom-made action-plan for a healthy, enduring and weight-shedding lifestyle.
I thought I knew food. But Maria knows nutrition (even if she thinks julienne of zucchini is a spaghetti substitute for marinara sauce, rather than the perfect starting point for a zesty slaw with carrots, daikon radish, yellow summer squash, tossed in a tangy vinaigrette).
My wife and I see her together. For both of us, Maria created a web of support that is indestructible and results proven. In 6 months, I lost 30 pounds, 3 inches off my waistline and reduced my Body Fat Index by 5 points. She is a kindred spirit who understands that food has to nourish the soul and mind as well as the body. With her guidance, I never feel deprived. Instead, I am enthusiastic and energized. Before I met Maria, I was on an unhealthy slide towards morbid obesity. Now, thanks to Maria's extraordinary wisdom, my path is in a trimmer, healthier and more energetic direction. And I'm never going back.
- Fred Abatemarco Manhasset

- Nancy from Whitestone
Sallie Rynd
Gail from Manhasset, New York
A few years ago, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, an illness that causes chronic body aches. For years, I suffered from fatigue, aches, pains, and a lack of energy. Additionally, I was carrying a lot of weight- approximately an extra 25 pounds then what I wanted to be.
My husband was very concerned about me. My doctor recommended that I see Maria Dello. Through Maria's care and guidance, I was able to lose the weight.
She taught me how to properly diet, exercise, and take supplements in order to improve my condition. Not only did she give me the right regimen to heal my fibromyalgia, but she also assisted me in losing 25 pounds.
Maria was always patient, caring and attentive, constantly taking time to explain everything to maximize my results. She always listened to me and designed a program specific to my condition. After losing 25 pounds with Dellonutritionals,
I am pain free and I feel like a new woman! I have regained my health and I can do the things I always wanted to do but never had the energy for.
I never thought I could get rid of my pains but Maria gave me hope when no one else could. Thanks to Maria, I can now do the things I normally couldn't have done. Thank you Maria Dello Dellonutritionals
Ann Mastropietro
The signs were everywhere but I misinterpreted them. For example, my eighty year old mother told me I had to start wearing a girdle. My response, "The nerve of her"! My nieces and nephews nicknamed me 'Auntie Sweet Tooth'. Such adorable children. Places where I spent extended periods of time, such as my desk, the car, the sofa had telltale signs of in-between-meals-snacking such as crumbs and empty wrappers. Then there were the clothing manufacturers. GAP started cutting their pants too low. I had to go up a size. TALBOTS redesigned their clothing line. I had to go up a size. And the saleswoman at Ann Taylor, gently urged me to try on their new 'curvy fit' pant. Not my fault. The fashion industry was changing. My weight gain was slow. It occurred over a fifteen year period and it was almost imperceptible. A pound or two here, a tight waist band there. And then, the change was undeniable. I had gained over twenty five pounds and I gained it in one spot, the worst spot, in and around my abdomen. Unhealthy, unsightly and obviously glaring in photos where I turned sideways towards the camera, this weight gain was now a force to be reckoned with. And I had no idea what to do. So, in January 2011, I called Maria Dello. And now, a mere four months later, the weight is gone, I have a new and healthier way of eating and The Gap, Talbots and Ann Taylor have apparently once again redesigned their clothes and now I have to go 'down a size'!! Maria's approach towards my weight loss was designed around my lifestyle, my needs and my wishes. My meal plan is not drastic. I am eating a wide variety of foods that are healthy and fresh. None of this pre-packaged toxic food that some weight loss programs pedal. I needed to become a more thoughtful eater. And I needed to spend a little extra time making sure I had healthy foods in the house. The best part of Maria's program is that her expertise in nutrition, metabolism, and understanding the whole person, makes for a simple plan to follow. Friends and colleagues are constantly asking me about calories, counting points, grams of fat, blah, blah, blah. I haven't had to bog myself down with all of that. That is Maria's job and she does it well. Of course----the opportunity to learn as much as you want from her is there. But sometimes it's just easier to 'do as you are told'. Another thing my girdle-wielding mother always told me. Thank you Maria Dello, your a life saver!
Stephanie came to Dellonutritionals wanting a new start, being a college student wasn't easy to maintain her figure and health, Maria Dello guided Stephanie in her health goals she feels so much better about her self and has much more energy and successfully reached her weight loss goal in a healthy way. Congratulations you did it!- your smile proves how far you have come.
“I lost 20lbs with Dellonutritionals and re-gained my life back” Brenda S. I was puzzled and frustrated with my weight until I visited nutritionist Maria Dello.
David was a yo yo dieter until he came to Dellonutritionals
there he learned how to eat in balance
he no longer has binges. "It's a way of life and I can finally look forward to my boating season thanks to Maria Dello"
Now I eat real foods and my waist line shows it.
thanks to Dellonutritionals.

Mr. Robert Penn and Jill Penn from PENN TOYOTA visit Maria Dello for Optimal health.
It is a pleasure to work with Mr. and Mrs. Penn. They have been visiting me since 2006 and are eager to stay healthy and fit. They both take a strong interest in their health, due to their busy lifestyle. It is important for them to take their health seriously, and they both look and feel great!!
Newest Weight Loss Achievement
Ed Castagna losses 20lbs @ Dellonutritionals

Ellen Confino has been struggling with her weight her whole life. As a busy working mom, she unsuccessfully but continually sought out many different avenues in her efforts to lose weight. This feat seemed like mission impossible. Being overweight inhibited her daily life and feeling frustrated was a daily occurrence. Consequently, she began to feel depressed because the weight gain was affecting her life. There were many instances when she felt like giving up. In her final attempt to tackle her weight issue, she made the decision to seek advice from Maria Dello, a nutritionist and owner of Dellonutritionals. With Ms. Dello's guidance and support, Ellen learned how to align and balance her busy schedule with healthy living. Maria also encouraged her to expand and apply her newfound knowledge to her family life. As a result of her perseverance and dedication, Ellen lost a total of 38lbs within a period of six months! She was thrilled! Ellen states “Ms.Dello never gave up on me and told me in detail how to accomplish my goals”. Ellen's fatigue and chronic hot flashes are now a thing of the past. Ms. Dello states, “The goal is to feel optimal. When you are healthy, the body works more efficiently and in turn will aide in weight loss.” As a reward for her weight loss, Ellen was given a makeover by renowned hairstylist Michael Mazzei, owner of NuBest Salon. Her makeover included a modern hair cut by Mr. Mazzei and color treatment by colorist Elizabeth O'Boyle. Ms. Confino stated, “I felt like a new person-the makeover was the finishing touch to adorn my new healthy body.” Ms. Dello stresses the fact that as women approach forty they have a terrible time losing weight. It can be from a result of “chronic” dieting which results in a slow metabolism or perhaps they have an underlying medical condition. There are many facets to weight loss, and it's nice to see people achieve their health goals. It brings them to a positive place as a result of their accomplishments.
MARCO holds up his pants, which he regretfully fit into two years ago, after losing 60lbs with Dellonutritionals he now wears his new wardrobe.
Marco said he was depressed and became a hermit, embarrassed about the way he looked his social life suffered, I now found my new life, after losing the weight, "Maria Dello has inspired me to get healthy and stay fit, I couldn't have done it with out her support"
- Marco S., Queens
Another success story at Dellonutritionals (down 15lbs)
Cindy a young lady came to Dellonutritionals wanting to lose 20lbs. She worked out hard at her gym at least 5 days a week, in addition being on two soccer leagues. What she thought was a "good diet" was not working towards her weight loss goals, frustrated and confused of why she was not losing weight we designed a plan that would be conducive to her work out plan. She is now down 15lbs and is continuing with her plan to achieve her goal, she feels energetic and is eating a diet rich in nutrients, she never felt so good and say's "Thanks to the motivation and healthy meal plan Maria Dello has given me I am now achieving my goals".
Maria has taught me so much about nutrition. I not only used your nutritional counseling on myself but I use it on a daily basis to help others. People are so uneducated when it comes to eating right. Even people who have been training for years have no clue about how important it is to have a solid nutritional plan. No matter how hard you work out, you will never be in shape unless you start from the inside. I have discovered that eating right can change your life.
- Rachel, Personal Trainer and Body Builder
- Kathleen from Manhassett
- Ann from Manhassett
- Meagan from Queens
- Charles from Garden City
- Helen from Manhasset
- Thank you, Joanna from Manhasset
- Jay from Queens
- Lisa from New York
- Brenda from Westbury
- Kay from Huntington
- John from Garden City
- Joe from New York